Managing soil capital on a farm
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Politechnika Opolska, Katedra Techniki Cieplnej i Aparatury Przemysłowej, ul. St. Mikołajczyka 5, 45-271 Opole, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2019;64(3):31-38
The purpose of study was to report on the undertaken assessment with regard to selected activities undertaken in experimental farms that operate according to various cultivation systems, including a variety of activities related to the management of soil resources and its capital. The assessment and analysis was performed on the basis of preliminary results of a study involving a period of three years. The analysis applied the following indicators to assess the quality of soil management: the variety of plants production, the ratio of plants applied to improve soil fertility, the ratio of cereals in sown area and the ratio of green fields, soil organic matter balance, the C:N ratio and intensity of plant production organization. The obtained results allow to state that both farms (traditional soil cultivation and conservative soil cultivation), strive to protect soil quality and its capital. However, on a farm employing conservation tillage it was noted slightly better results in the case of in some indicators.
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