Market placement of microorganisms in Poland
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Plant Protection Institute - National Research Institute, Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(4):40-42
The analysis of all products containing microorganisms registered in Poland for use in agriculture, whether as plant pro-tection products or as fertilizers in April 2014 shows that the market share of microbial products is not high. Only 0.75% of plant protection products and 2.7% of registered fertilizers contain microorganisms.
Nine plant protection products containing 6 different microorganisms: one virus, two strains of bacteria and three fungi were placed on the Polish market. Three of them are registered as fungicides and six as insecticides. Only two uses for agriculture crops were registered; namely protection of potato against the Colorado beetle and protection of oilseed rape against diseases caused by Sclerotinia Spp. There are 21 products containing microorganisms registered in Poland according to the rules regarding fertilizers: 4 registered as fertilizers, 5 as growth stimulators, 4 as surface soil, and 8 as soil conditioners.
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Regulation no 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC.
The register of plant protection products placed on the Polish market. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
http://www.bip.minrol.gov.pl/D..., date of access 17.04.2014.
The register of plant protection products qualified for use in organic farming in Poland. Plant Protection Institute - National Research Institute.
http://www.ior.poznan.pl/19,wy..., date of access 17.04.2014.
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Wykaz nawozów, które można wprowadzać do obrotu na podstawie pozwoleń ministra właściwego do spraw rolnictwa, o których mowa w art. 4 ust. 1 i 2 ustawy z dnia 10 lipca 2007 r. o nawozach i nawożeniu (Dz. U. Nr 147, poz. 1033 oraz z 2011 r. Nr 106, poz. 622 i Nr 171, poz. 1016), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
http://www.bip min-rol.gov.pl/DesktopDefault.aspx?TabOrgId=1576&LangId=0, date of access 01.04.2014.
Wykaz środków wspomagających uprawę roślin, które można wprowadzać do obrotu na podstawie pozwoleń ministra właściwego do spraw rolnictwa, o których mowa w art. 4 ust. 1 i 2 ustawy z dnia 10 lipca 2007 r. o nawozach i nawożeniu (Dz. U. Nr 147, poz. 1033 oraz z 2011 r. Nr 106, poz. 622 i Nr 171, poz. 1016), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
http://www.bip.minrol.gov.pl/D... , date of access 01.04.2014.