Modelling of water flow in soil
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Opole University of Technology, Poland, Department of Thermal Engineering and Industrial Equipment
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(4):26-30
This paper presents a mathematical model of water flow in soil. It is based on Richards equation taking into consideration a negative source member which determines water uptake by crops. In the performed calculations, different and varied weather conditions were assumed, which were then applied to differently adopted boundary conditions. In case of precipitation, Dirichlet condition of full saturation of soil with water was assumed for the surface, and Neuman condition was assumed at the lower boundary of calculation area. In drought period, Neuman type condition, in a form of a function, determines water loss through soil surface, and Dirichlet condition determines the pressure of capillary rise. In the model, hydraulic conductivity of soil and suction pressure were made depending on its local moisture level. Soil profiles from an exemplary farm were analysed. Equations of the mathematical model were solved with the finite difference method. Non-stationary problem was solved with an explicit method. Numerical calculations were made with an software program written in FORTRAN compilation language. Results of moisture level variations in soil are presented for various simulated weather conditions. The target model and program developed will be expanded for the needs of the analysis of migration of nitrogen compounds in soil.
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