Modernization of series of types of one-speed angular gearboxes applied in agricultural machines
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2005;50(4):38-44
The basic data of elaborated wheels mesh catalogs for one-speed angular gearboxes are presented in the paper. An example of catalog cards appearance as well as an example of strength calculations of gear wheels according to the "AGMA-standard" are also shown. Results of checking research of correctness of elaborated wheel mesh designs are discussed in the paper as well. The research has confirmed the correctness of designs, the calculations of transmitted power and the level of generated noise. The elaborated series of types of the wheels mesh for the gearboxes with straight toothed wheels in considerably widened in comparison with the wheels meshes so far used in agricultural machines. Now, according to the research, the series of types of arc toothed wheels meshes enables, within the same wheels dimensions, to transmit on average 35% more power, with generating 30% lower noise level.
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