Modernization of fruit jam production line and the product quality
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Politechnika Opolska, Katedra Inżynierii Biosystemów, ul. Mikołajczyka 5, 45-271 Opole, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):127-131
This work presents the results of assessment of the quality of fruit jam before and after the modernization of the production line. Research was carried out at the factory of the fruits and vegetables processing. The modernization of the line included: installation of twin-screw pumps, exchange piston batcher on rotary batcher, assembly of the new stationary evaporator, inserting magnetic traps, the purchase of the new labelling machine and the automatic packaging machine. Qualitative parameters of the product, which were analysed based on organoleptic parameters (odour, colour, appearance, taste, con-sistency) and physico-chemical parameters (net weight, pH, total extract, total acidity). On the basis of gotten data from a production plant the calculations of basic statistics were performed. Than basing on comparative analysis (t-student test, sign test) an information about statistically essential diversity in the quality of the product before and after the modernization with reference to four parameters: consistency, appearance, net mass, total extract was gotten. Moreover the modernization influenced the CCP curtailment. This is very important in improving the system of the production of the safe food.
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