Definitions with the prefix nano initially regarded only to measure units and defined, that the size preceeded by it makes up 10-9 the basic individual. Nowadays they appear in many fields of the science. It began front nanotechnology and afterwards it was used in nanomedicine and nanoscience etc. This prefix defines the fields in which large exactitudes are used. Agricultural engineering as the scientific discipline can also solve many scientific problems in the area nano, front here the title of the work agricultural nanoengineering. Essence of nano, effects flowing from her utilization and the potential areas of its use in agricultural engineering were introduced in the work.
[l] Durczak K.: Pomiary wielkości geometrycznych w technice. Wydawnictwa Akademii Rolniczej im. Augusta Cieszkowskiego w Poznaniu, 2006.
Tomaszewski P.: Jan Czochralski i jego metoda - Jan Czochralski and his method. Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych PAN, Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, Warszawa 2002.
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