The consequent influence of selected biopreparations used in spice crops on the content of biologically active compounds in the seeds
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):167-171
The aim of the study was to evaluate the consequent influence of biopreparations used in seed crops of selected spices on the composition and content of biologically active compounds in the seeds. The experiments were conducted in the experimental field and in the Seed Laboratory of Research Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice as well as in New Manufacturing Technology Laboratory of Medical Products and Evaluation of Their Quality, in Department of Vegetable and Medicinal Plants, SGGW in Warsaw. Foliar application of Tytanit and Biojodis biostimulators in the seed crops of spices plants of Apiaceae (dill, fennel, coriander) and Brassicaceae (garden rocket Eruca sativa Mill.) in most species positively influenced the composition and content of biologically active compounds of derived seeds. The preparations also induced the resistance of plants to diseases and adverse growing conditions and stimulated their growth and development, resulting in accelerated flowering of the plants and forming the seeds.
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