Natural values of maritime salt grasslands and the possibilities of their preservation
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Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Grassland and Landscape Sciences, ul. Dojazd 11, 60-632 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(4):13-16
The conducted research included the assessment of natural values of maritime salt grasslands located in Kepa Karsiborska,
the determination of threats they are exposed to and, on the basis of the above, defining the possibilities of their preservation.
Natural values of communities chosen as a result of the analysis of phytosociological relevés were assessed on the basis
of the following: the coefficient of natural valorisation of Oswit (2000), the existence of protected and halophile species
(Zarzycki et al. 2000). Whereas threats for the existence of halophile phytocenoses were defined through the analysis of environmental
conditions assessed with the phytoindication method with Ellenberg’s and Leuschner’s (2010) coefficients and
utilization. The results show that the highest, unique and remarkable natural values can be assigned to the following syntaxons:
Hippuridetum submersae, community from Agrostis stolonifera, Eleocharietum palustris, Puccinellio-
Spergularietum salinae, Cladietum marisci. They are conditioned especially by the presence of halophile species (mainly
facultative ones) whose existence is strictly connected with strong soil salination, lightly acid soils’ reaction and their moderate
richness in nitrogen compounds. Some communities present transitional forms with none or only a few halophile species.
For the maintenance of salt grasslands flora in Kepa Karsiborska, it is crucial to prevent the displacement of halophile
species by extensive utilization (mowing or grazing) and by providing the canals network with salty water.
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