Natural values of steppe turfs and their ecotourist attractiveness
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Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Grassland and Landscape Sciences, ul. Dojazd 11, 60-632 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(4):17-20
The aim of the research was to carry out a floristic assessment of steppe turfs in the context of their tourist attractiveness as well as the determination of the threats that it may cause for their existence. The research was conducted in Zielona Kepa ecological farmland in Kuyavian-Pomeranian voivodeship. Natural values of turfs which influence their tourist attractiveness were defined on the basis of 35 phytosociological relevés taken with Braun-Blanquet’s method [1] in the representative areas of 25m2. The assessment included: wealth of species (on the basis of a total and an average number of species in the phytosociological relevé), the determination of floral diversification with Shannon-Wiener’s method, the geographical and historical spectrum, the existence of endangered species, the appearance of medicinal plants and ones which are useful for bees. Threats which may influence the unique areas as a result of tourism, were determined on the basis of classification coefficients by Mahon and Miller. Xerothermic turfs of Zielona Kepa represent significant natural values due to the existence of numerous protected, endangered and rare floral species and so called nature habitat which is endangered by environmental variabilities and lack of tillage (occasional mowing and grazing). Ecotourism or natural tourism in this area, despite its strong natural attractiveness and terrain’s geomorphology, may result as a threat for the flora due to its low natural absorptiveness.
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