Slow-release fertilizers in the production of horticultural plants. Part i. Effect of Osmocote Exact Standard fertilizer on the growth and condition of nourishing of selected taxons of ornamental trees and shrubs
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):29-34
In studies the mulicomponent fertilizer with slowed- release, Osmocote Exact Standard (5-6 M) was used in four increased doses: 2, 4, 6 and 8 g/dm3. A vegetation experiment was carried out in which selected taxons of trees and ornamental shrubs were grown: Wisteria floribunda “Violacea Plena”, Hamamelis intermedia (x) “Diana”, Ouercus robur “Fastigiata Koster”, Betula utilis var. Jacquemonti, Carpinus betulus “Fastigiata”, Thuja “Smaragd”. In vegetation experiment was carried out in which selected taxons of ornamental trees and shrubs, dose 6 g/dm3 of the fertilizer Osmocote Exact Standard (5-6 M) was recommended to growing in containers. An analysis of consumers' preferences had showed that consumers would buy to their garden of plant growing in the substrate with an addition of the fertilizer Osmocote Exact Standard in the dose of 6g/dm3.
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