Slow - release fertilizers in the production of horticultural plants. Part II. Estimation of the growth nutritional status of Heuchera L grow in pots depending on the fertilization with Osmocote
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):35-39
In the first experiment with Heuchera micrantha and Heuchera sanguinea three types of fertilizer with a slow - release were applied: Osmocote Plus 3-4M, Osmocote Plus 5-6M and Osmocote Exact Standard 5-6M in the dose of 3g/dm3 of substrate. In the second experiment with Heuchera micrantha two types of Osmocote fertilizers were applied with a 5-6 month period of action, in the doses of 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 g/dm3 of substrate. After the application of Osmocote Plus independent of Heuchera species the obtained plants showed a significantly bigger diameter, greater number of shoots and fresh matter than the application of Osmocote Exact Standard 5-6M. No effects were found to be exerted on number of leaves by the applied fertilizers. In the experiment with Heuchera micrantha.independent of the fertilizer type, the highest decorative value was shown by plants after the introduction of the dose of4,5 g/dm3 of substrate. The leaves of Heuchera sanguinea showed a higher content of nitrogen and a smaller content of potassium than the leaves of the Heuchera micrantha.
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