New potato cultivars under organic system - evaluation of suitability
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Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute-NRI, Potato Agronomy Department, Jadwisin, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(4):126-130
The study was conducted in 2011-2013 in two places, with different climate and soil conditions. The usefulness of 7 potato cultivars of different groups of earliness for growing under organic farming system was evaluated. It was found that among the analyzed factors affecting the yield of tubers such as cultivar, place of growing and years of research, significant differences concerned only climatic conditions during tested years. The highest yields were obtained in both places in the preferred 2012, and the lowest in 2013 with a very unfavorable weather conditions. The structure of the yield was significantly affected by all the examined factors. On lighter soil, a significant diminution of yield took place. The quality of the crop depended largely on the cultivar and growing location. It was concerned most studied external and internal tuber defects. Taking into account both the yield and the quality of the tested cultivars most useful to organic production were: - on lighter soils: Vineta, Finezja and Gustaw, - on heavier soil: Viviana, Finezja and Medea.
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