Evaluation of bacterial inoculation effectiveness in ensilage of meadow sward fertilized with natural fertilizers
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Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Falentach, Zakład Użytków Zielonych, Falenty
Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego im. prof. Wacława Dąbrowskiego, Zakład Technologii Fermentacji, Warszawa
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(4):233-237
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of bacterial inoculate treatment of sward from grassland fertilized with solid
manure and liquid manure on quality, nutritive value and microflora of grass silage. Three fertilizers were compared: mineral
NPK (control), solid manure (50 t ha-1) and liquid manure (30 m3 ha-1). Pre-wilted herbage (40% DM) from the first
cut of grassland was ensilaged in big cylindrical bales with and without addition of bacterial inoculate containing lactic
acid bacteria. In herbage and silage samples the content of nutritive components was evaluated. In obtained silages the dry
matter content, pH, fermentation products, yeasts, moulds and some bacteria count were evaluated. Significant influence of
fertilization and inoculate treatment on silage quality was stated. Silages made from sward fertilized with manure had significantly
higher ammonia concentration, lower content of lactic acid and fatty acids than silages from objects fertilized
with NPK. The addition of bacterial inoculants to sward from objects fertilized with natural fertilizers improved quality and
nutritive value of silages. TDN, DMI and RFQ values were higher in inoculated silages than in untreated silages.
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