Economic evaluation of agricultural activity trends in ecological farms measured with the standard gross margin "2006' method
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(4):45-50
Studies were carried out in the years 2005-2007 with the questionnaire method. Data were obtained from 34 selected ecological farms. The paper was aimed at estimating agricultural trends in studied farms in the years 205-2007 with the Standard Gross Margin Method "2006" adopted as the main criterion of economic evaluation of farms. Gross margin showed an increasing trend when calculated both per ha of croplands and per person employed in a farm. Drought in the year 2006 slumped this trend in farms from several voivodeships. Mean gross margin from the three years under study was 3083 zł/ha croplands and 33930 zł/person permanently employed in a farm and ranged from 1975 zł/ha croplands in podkarpackie province to 3743 zł/ha in podlaskie province and from 17332 zł/person in małopolskie province to 54394 zł/person in pomorskie province. In general, the most favourable was the year 2007 and the least - 2006. Gross margin calculated per ha of croplands decreased with the increased farm size; that calculated per permanently employed person increased in the same direction. According to the EU classification 5 general types (out of 9 used in the EU), 7 basic types (out of 17 in the EU) and 10 detailed types (out of 50 European ones) were distinguished among studied farms. Classes of production were also estimated in the European Size Units, acc. to which every farm is counted to one of IX classes. 44% of farms were counted to type 4 of the general types (specialized in breeding animals fed in the grazing system) and classified to the VII size class of moderately large farms (ESU 29.3). 41% of the basic types farms were counted to the 41 type (dairy cattle) of the moderately large class (ESU 31.2) and out of 10 detailed types most farms were counted to type 411 (dairy cows) of the moderately large class (ESU 31.2).
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Źródłowe dane ankietowe: 2005, 2006, 2007 - wypełnione ankiety badanych gospodarstw ekologicznych.
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