Economic and organizational evaluation of organic and conventional farms based on the results of fadn accounting
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):25-29
The study compares selected economic-organizational indicators in the group of 248 organic farms with the whole set (11 191) of the farms covered by the FDAN accounting system in Poland in 2010, The analysis shows that the average size of organic farms was 31.8 ha and it was by about 12, 6 ha (66%) larger compared to the total group of the holdings covered the FDAN accounting system. Organic farms were extensively run since 50% of the land was occupied by fodder crops, while livestock density was by 40% lower compared to the whole group of farms. The direct costs of production per 1 ha were three times lower in this group of holdings. Land productivity, measured by value of agricultural production per 1 ha of farmland, was 2-fold lower in organic holdings compared to the total group of holdings covered by the FADN accounting system. This was due to lower crop yields and lower productivity of animals. Organic farms obtained significantly higher incomes per one farm. This resulted from a larger area of farms, higher subsidies and lower production costs. Subsidies amounted to on average 87% of the income of organic farms, while their share was 59% in the total group of households.
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