Economic and structural evaluation of selected organic farms
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):94-103
The research was conducted in 2003-2004 in 20 selected organic farms in the kujawsko-pomorskie voivodeship. Statistical data from the Central Statistical Office describing agriculture in this voivodeship and the results from similar questionnaire research conducted by IUNG in a group of 28 conventional farms were used as a reference point. Market value of agricultural production and final agricultural gross output per farm and per 1 ha of Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) were the main criteria used in this evaluation. In 2004, the average market value of all agricultural products sold from the investigated group of organic farms was about 2900 PLN/ha of UAA. Animal products had a 68% share in this value. Higher (10-40%) than average (in the voivodeship) prices received by organic farmers for their products significantly influenced the final value of their sale. Income from all subsidies (about 1000 PLN/ha of UAA) accounted for 70% of all the farmers' material and financial outlays. The general economic situation of the organic farms investigated was quite good, however there is a need for further improvements, especially in mechanization of animal production (milking, milk storage, manure removal).
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