Ranking of the competitive ability against weeds of 13 spring wheat varieties cultivated in organic system in different regions of Poland
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Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Zakład Systemów i Ekonomiki Produkcji Roślinnej ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(3):104-110
In the study 13 spring wheat varieties: Bombona, Brawura, Hewilla, Kandela, Katoda, Łagwa, Monsun, Ostka Smolicka, Parabola, Tybalt, Werbena, Żura and Trappe cultivated in organic system were compared. The research was conducted in 2011-2012 in 3 different locations: Osiny (Lublin voivodeiship), Chwałowice (masovian voivodeship) and Chomentowo (Podlasie voivodeship). In Chwałowice and Chomentowo spring wheat was cultivated in pure whereas in Osiny with undersown clovers and grasses. The number of weeds and their dry matter were analyzed in two growing stages of spring wheat: tillering and dough stage. The lowest number of weeds and their dry matter were noted in Chomentowo in every year and time of analysis. In the dough stage dry matter of spring wheat in Chomentowo amounted 12 g/m2 in 2011 and 24 g/m2 in 2012. The most significant weed infestation was found in 2011 in Chwałowice (76 g/m2) and in 2012 in Osiny (53 g/m2).The analysis revealed no significant differences in competitive abilities against weeds between the examined varieties. Although, in cluster analysis, a set of varieties which had the largest (Bombona, Hewilla, Łagwa, Żura) and the smallest competitive abilities against weeds (Monsun, Parabola, Trappe, Tybalt) were distinguished, which should be tested in further studies.
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