Evaluation of legume-cereal mixtures in organic farming as raw material for silage production
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):157-163
The aim of the study was to evaluate they yielding and nutritive value of legume-cereal mixtures used as raw material for silage production depending on the organic fertilization and share of components. The study shows that the dry matteryields of legume-oat and legume-barley mixtures without fertilization were similar but the legume-oat mbetures gave higher yields of dry matter than legume-barley with compost application (mean of the three years). The pea (independently from fertilization) was the better component of legume for mixture with cereals in organic farming. Increasing of legume plants share to 75% in amount of seeds were caused a decreasing of the level of mixture yielding, independently from cereal components and organic fertilization. Higher protein feeding value (PDIF, PDIN, PDIE) was obtained from mixtures containing 75% pea seeds. Mixtures with vetch were characterized by higher value protein. Mixtures containing 50% of legume plants were characterized by higher energy value (UFL, UFV). Increasing the percentage of legume plants from 50 to 75%, as well as compost application had good influence on in vitro digestibility. Dry matter digestibility of pea-oat mixtures with fertilization was higher than the vetch-oat mixtures. It is possible to say, that all mixtures gave the feed to the ruminants containing optimum macroelements content, only potassium content was too high in 2007 year.
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