Assessment of the possibilities of creeping thistle control with use of pathogenic fungi in ecological and conventional agriculture
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(4):61-66
Creeping thistle is a burdensome weed of crop plants in ecological and conventional farms, which can be controlled using pathogenic fungi. Although using pathogens of creeping thistle can stir up important doubts from epidemiological point of view, resulting from an opportunity to inoculation of crop plants, it can be possible. Application of bioherbicides on pastures and meadows is ultimately one of the most suitable method of direct control of creeping thistle and other weeds. A use of P. punctiformis on arable land can not raise doubts, however, due to necessity of manual application this method, should be the best in ecological farms. Other fungi appropriately selected to a crop can be a basic method of creeping thistle control or assist a control of it weed with traditional herbicides.
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