Yielding of some tomato cultivars in organic growing system
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(4):131-134
During 2005-2006 at Research Institute of Vegetable Crops in Skierniewice the studies were carried out to compare the yields of organic and conventional tomatoes. Polish cultivars of new generation, determinant, bred for processing were examined as follows: Awizo F1, Batory F1, Etna F1, Rumba, Sokal F1 Wiola F1. The late blight of tomato was the most important factor strongly affecting the height and structure of yield. In the year of light disease occurrence (2005) organic tomatoes yielded only 9% lower than conventional. Batory F1 was distinguishing cultivar among others with the highest yield and the best share in both growing systems. In conditions favorable for the disease development (2006) organic tomatoes yielded 26,5% lower and the number of diseased fruits was 2,5 times bigger as compared with conventional ones. In both years irrespective of weather conditions and growing method the lowest number of diseased fruits was stated in case of cv. Awizo F1.
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