Studies on the evaluation of the yield of winter oilseed rape with PRP SOL technology conducted in the years 2007-2011 in
the Department of Agronomy at the University of Life Sciences in Poznan, in the fields of ZDD Gorzyn station in Złotniki.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth, development and yield of oilseed rape after PRP SOL application. The
research hypothesis assumes that the PRP SOL can replace conventional phosphorus-potassium fertilization and the
resulting yields are similar in terms of quantity and quality to those achieved with conventional mineral fertilizers. During
the five years of research on the use of PRP SOL average yield of rapeseed was 29.1 dt·ha-1, and it was about 2.0 dt·ha-1
lower than in controls. The positive effect on rape yield after PRP SOL application was achieved only in 2007 and 2011.
Despite the drought stress in 2011 it was observed the highest yield over 5 years of research, which exceeded the control by
1.42 dt·ha-1. The strongest negative reaction to the application of the fertilizer was recorded in 2010, a decrease of yield as
compared to control was 8.81 dt·ha-1. The use of PRP SOL in the cultivation of oilseed rape resulted in the reduction of all
components of yield. Also increased the variability of crop yields and coefficients of variation for all components of yield
were higher than the control_ Oilseed rape fertilized PRP SOL contained less (by 0.4%) of fat in the dry matter of seeds, and
more glukonapin.
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