Estimation of the suitability of maize hybrid stay-green type to be grown for grain in conditions of ecological agriculture
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(4):134-136
Field studies were carried out in the Didactic and Experimental Farm in Swadzim near Poznań, in 2004-2007. The study objective was the reaction of two maize hybrid types to zero mineral fertilization and in consequence to estimate their suitability to be grown for grain, in comparison with mineral fertilization (conventional technology). The hybrid LG 2244 stay-green type has shown to be a better suited cultivar for the use in ecological agriculture, as compared with the conventional Anjou 258 hybrid. The LG 2244 stay-green type showed a higher grain yield and a better indicator of energy effectiveness, in conditions of zero nitrogen fertilization, in comparison with the Anjou 258 hybrid. The sum of energy inputs for the production of the same amount of yield, in conditions of ecological agriculture, was lower of32.1%, in relation to the conventional method.
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