Evaluation of fodder contamination with ochratoxin a and methods of its decontamination
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(3):156-163
Ochratoxin A is a high toxigenic secondary metabolite of fungi and was claimed as a cancerogen class 2B by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). Ochratoxin A is responsible for cancer disease in animals and probably is cancerogenic to human. Toxic for animals metabolites produced by fungi often contaminate food and feed. According to the "from field to fork" strategy it is necessary to control the level of contamination also in fodder. It is highly probable that basic feed for cattle such as meadow sward, grass and silages prepared with these sources, can be contaminated with mycotoxigenic moulds including OTA-producing strains. For many years there have been carried out researches on lowering contamination with toxigenic fungi in food and feed by inactivating mould's growth or production of ochratoxin A. Many physical, chemical and microbiological attempts were made to eliminate the toxin from these products. For the reason of lack of an appropriate plant's protection against moulds, the promising could be the method of microbiological decontamination in biotechnological processes, especially during lactic acid fermentation. Nowadays an important case to solve is to evaluate the ability of lactic acid bacteria starter cultures to eliminate the content of ochratoxin A during forage's fermentation in manufacturing conditions.
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