Evaluation of botanical composition and quality of grazed sward in three habitat groups
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):172-176
Poland is seen as the country boasting a richness of quantitative and qualitative resources of widely understood biodiversity, especially on grasslands. This is part of objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy for the period after 2013 where the high priority was given to maintain the richness of biodiversity. The easiest way to preserve and protect, especially in extreme habitat conditions, is grazing by animals. This method of agricultural utilization of green areas is very effective, cheap and simple to use. Abandoned and not utilized lands quickly undergo degradation process which involves weeds and shrubs development that on major areas is already well advanced. The study was conducted on grasslands located in eight habitats: three dry habitats, two post-peatland habitats and three flooded habitats. Grasses dominated in the sward of all habitats, then herbs and weeds. The share of legumes was low. In case of dry and post-peatland habitats it were grasslands communities and in case of flooded habitats - grass-rush communities. Using the phyto-indication method, the moisture status of habitats was determined and they were qualified to fresh and moist and highly humid and wet. The calculated utilization value number (Lwu) of sward indicated that in terms of feed value the most valuable plant communities were found in dry ground and post-peatland habitats (good utilization value) but of small value - in the flooded (poor value). Their value resulting from chemical composition and especially from the content of crude protein and crude fiber shaped conversely.
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