The efficiency of mechanical weed control in ecological apple production
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(4):79-83
The aim of the studies conducted at ecological type of apple orchard was to evaluate an influence of working depth of orchard tractor rotavators on weeding efficacy and crop volume during mechanical weed control. Weeds on plant-free strips under trees were controlled with tractor rotavator equipped with "U" shaped blades and two working depths: 0.03 and 0.06 m. The evaluation of weeds infestation has been made for annual and perennial weeds. The weeding efficiency depended on weather conditions during treatments - lower efficacy was achieved when rainfalls occurred after treatment. The mean percentage efficacy for such conditions was app. 80% (for perennial weeds), while for dry weather efficacy reached almost 100%. Six treatments were conducted in seasons 2007 and 2008, and only four in season 2009. The influence of working depth on weeding efficiency and crop volume was not observed. There was slightly higher crop in season 2008 for lower working depth, while in the season 2009 higher crop was observed for working depth 0.06 m.
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