Valuation of potentially pathogenic bacteria presence in silages from meadow sward
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):217-221
Meadow sward and silages made from it can be valuable roughages for whole-year feeding of beef cattle and dairy cattle. In organic farming, in which meadow and grown back sward are fertilized with often not totally fermented liquid manure, there is a real risk of forage and silage contamination with faecal bacteria, which are potentially pathogenic. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of contamination with pathogens in silages from meadow sward derived from grasslands intensively fertilized with manure and liquid manure to determine the effect of the bacterial-mineral-vitamin preparation to reduce or eliminate the bacteria of the genus Salmonella, coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli in the process of stimulated lactic acid fermentation. There were detected bacteria Salmonella sp. and Escherichia coli accompanied with a high number of coliform bacteria in the silages prepared without the addition of the preparation and made from meadow sward from forage fertilized with slurry in the spring and then fertilized when it grew back. The experimental silages made with addition of the bacterial preparation were characterized by a high microbiological quality and there were not present any bacteria of the genus Salmonella, while the number of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli was approximately 100-fold lower in comparison with the silages prepared without the additive. As a result of the bacterial-mineral-vitamin preparation addition to the silage a slowdown in growth of pathogenic bacteria was achieved. Silages made with the addition of preparation were characterized by a high chemical and microbiological quality.
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