The estimation of nutritive and sensory value of the pasteurized tomato juice from organic and conventional production
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(3):105-111
The aim of work was to analyze the nutritive value of tomato juices with a special focus on the bioactive compounds. The ripe tomato fruits of 3 varieties (Merkury, Rumba and Picolino) cultivated in the organic and conventional systems have been picked in the same time, processed into juice and pasteurized. The obtained products have been analyzed chemically in order to determine the nutritive value and the content of bioactive compounds (vitamin C, flavonoids and carotenoids). The sensory profile analyze of the juices has been simultaneously carried out. The results obtained indicated that organic tomato juice contained significantly more vitamin C, total phenolic acids, gallic and chlorogenic acids in comparison with the conventional juice. Organic tomato juice obtained higher sensory notes for sweet taste; it was also significantly denser and had better palpable fruit particles comparing with the conventional juice. The organic juice received at the same time higher notes of tomato taste and general quality. Tomato juice obtained from Picolino cultivar fruits contained significantly more total sugars, vitamin C, beta-carotene and organic acids and less free amino acids than juice made of other tomato cultivars. Considering the higher content of the important bioactive compounds and better taste, the organic tomato juice should be recommended for everyday consumption.
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