Preliminary estimation of degradation level of non-returnable packings offered by trading networks in the composting and fermentation processes
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(2):32-36
This paper presents the research on non-returnable packings degradation conducted into two environments: aerobic (composting process) and anaerobic (fermentation process). Six non-returnable bags from different, popular commercial networks as well as one typical non-degradable bag (as a control) were tested. The results show that only one from tested bagspassed by deep decomposition process reaching 91% in more wet oxygenic environment. The rest of the bags showed very poor mass losses or did not loss any mass like control samples. During fermentation process, the maximum mass losses reached 8,5% but usually were below 2,1%. Some bags did not notice any mass losses like in the case of control. After both processes, the bag samples (with only one exception) did not show any visible changes of appearance or structure.
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