"ÓkoRegio-Tour" (EcoRegio-Tour) in Baden-Wurttemberg as a model pattern to be followed by the province of Małopolska
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):131-135
The objective of this paper is to identify whether or not there are chances in the Province of Małopolska to develop integrated projects similar to the German project "OkoRegio-Tour " created in order to protect and maintain the regional nature, culture, and traditions in the district of Baden-Wurttemberg. OkoRegio-Tour (OR-T) projects constitute a model application of integrated pro-environmental activities connected with promoting sustainable tourism and preserving cultural heritage on the basis of organic agriculture and agro-tourism. In Baden-Wurttemberg (BW), the first OR-T projects were implemented in 1999. In the paper, the potential for developing the OR-T type projects in the Province of Małopolska is analyzed. The results of this analysis show that, in this Province, there are very favourable factors and conditions to develop integrated projects similar to the OkoRegio-Tour strategy. In practice, while carrying out such projects, a network of several eco-routes would be made up, and each eco-route would be focused on a specific central theme, and, thus, would run across a pre-determined specific terrain with a special agriculture type and farming scheme corresponding with this central theme. Such dominant themes could be: pasturing & herding, where the role of ship in protecting the nature would be emphasized; organic orchard farms with a route presenting diverse fruit trees and bushes; organic bee-keeping including elements of the history of the Polish forest bee-keeping and api-culture. It is quite possible that the presented packages of pro-environmental actions, modelled on OR-T, could, together with other regional sights and highlights attract both native and foreign tourists and make them want to visit the Province of Małopolska.
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