The level of consumer awareness related to organic farming among the residents of Ostroleka County is presented in the study. The research material consists of the survey data.120 people were surveyed in 2015. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part concerned the information related to organic farming while the second one related to the information about a person interviewed. The obtained results of the research allow to conclude that 93% of the respondents have heard of the concept of organic food before. The vast majority of the people (84%) declared that they would start buying organic food if it were cheaper or if their income was higher. More than one quarter of the respondents buy organic food. The main reasons of buying organic food result from the fact that it is healthier than conventional food (88% of the respondents), organic food does not contain harmful substances such as preservatives or fertilizers (81% of the respondents), organic food tastes better (75% of the respondents) organic food is not genetically modified (50% of the respondents).
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