Fuel savings in agriculture - new priorities of the European Union
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(2):54-57
There is an urgent need to improve energy efficiency in the European Union. In order to enable final users to make rational decisions about energy use, there is a need to provide them with better knowledge. They should be aware of what the energy consumption is. The local actions should give information about available energy efficiency improvement techniques, technical characteristics of machines, transport and energy consuming equipment. The changes in the agricultural sector in the late 90's, caused by the liquidation and privatization of state farms and creation of modern, large-area holdings, initially did not contribute to a decline in energy consumption. The current situation clearly shows that among selected European countries, Poland has a relatively high energy consumption in this sector. European project Efficient 20 aims to reduce fuel consumption in agriculture, make changes in habits to increase fuel savings and stimulate demand of highly specialized equipment.
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