Fodder production with the assistance of ecological methods on the NATURA 2000 area situated in the Noteć River valley comprises a rich mosaic of sites associated with high levels of ground waters. The examined area of the valley belongs to the most productive regions in Wielkopolska. The dominant plant communities are those of permanent and fresh wet meadows as well as large-sedge rushes. The performed investigations revealed variations in yields and chemical composition depending on the type of meadows, site conditions and utilization. Yields of the examined meadows fluctuated from 3.8 to 6.2 t/ha-1 and acted as a variability exponent of moisture conditions. Crude protein content was determined at 12.22% and that of reducing sugars - at 6.32%. The highest contents of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) were found in the plant communities of large-sedge rushes. However, quantities of the above constituents did not exceed Polish standards.
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