Marketable yield and storage losses of table potatoes grown using organic and integrated farming systems
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(4):5-9
Potato is such a species found among agricultural plants whose harvests reach the consumer unprocessed. Tuber appearance after harvesting and after storage determines the amount of marketable yield. Marketable yield is understood as part of the total yield which meets the requirements of the purchasing part. The disorders of potato tubers for consumption include: small tubers ([diameter] <=40 mm), deformations, greening, rotting, common scab, mechanical damage and caused by soil pests. After storage, weight losses develop additionally, caused by rot, sprouting, development of skin diseases (especially silver scurf), and also weight losses caused by tuber transpiration (so-called natural weight losses). In 2002-2004, research was carried out at to compare the marketable yield of tubers from organic plantations and tubers grown using an integrated system. The results indicate that: - as a general rule, the share of marketable yield in the total yield from organic farming is lower than from integrated systems, - the most common tuber disorder is damage caused by soil pests, and for some varieties - increased number of small tubers, - storage losses are usually a bit lower for potatoes from organic farming, while sprouting is accelerated compared to the integrated technology.
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