Yielding of two spelt varieties depending on sowing date and sowing rate in Central Wielkopolska conditions
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(4):85-91
Field trials have been carried out in experimental station Swadzim belonged to Poznań University of Live Sciences to find out optimum sowing date and sowing rate of two spelt varieties. The influence of two sowing dates (1st and 3rd decade of October) at amount of 200, 300 and 400 kg of spikelets ha-1 has been evaluated on yield and yield components of two varieties Bauländer i Schwabenkorn. It was shown, that in conditions of Wielkopolska region, var. Schwabenkorn has yielded 1,6 dt.ha-1 (6,23%) higher compared with var. Bauländer. Both varieties reacted in different way to delayed sowing date from 1st to 3rd decade of October. Lower yielding variety Bauländer did not react with significant changes of yield, where var. Schwabenkorn yielded significantly less and yield decrease amounted up to 6,4 dt.ha-1. Optimum sowing rate for both varieties was 400 kg spikelets ha-1. Within tested range of sowing rate, increase by 1kg ha-1caused 1,85 kg grain. ha-1 higher yield for var. Bauländer and 2,20 for var. Schwabenkorn respectively.
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