Yield and quality of sweet basil, savory, marjoram and thyme raw materials from organic cultivation on the composted manure
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(4):63-66
In 2006-2007, yield and quality of sweet basil, savory, marjoram and thyme raw materials cultivated in I and II years on the composted manure were evaluated in the field experiments. The following traits were estimated: yield of fresh herb, yield of dried herb without stems, stem content in herb, essential oil content, mineral elements content and microbiological contamination. Savory, marjoram and thyme cultivated on the composted manure gave better yields of herb. Cultivation on the composted manure did not affect on the content of stems in the dried herb. The raw materials of the tested herbs obtained from the field composted manure contained more essential oils in compared with these from conventional cultivation. The raw materials of sweet basil, marjoram and thyme from the first year cultivation after manure application contained more nitrate. Herb of sweet basil cultivated on the composted manure contained more phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc compared to other tested herbs. The raw materials of all herbs obtained from the first year cultivation after manure application were characterized by the highest microbiological contamination, although it was still below the accepted level of standard one.
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