Yields of the selected spring wheat varieties cultivated in organic and conventional crop production systems
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(4):18-23
The study was conducted in the years 2008-2010 based on the experiment started in 1994 at the Experimental Station of IUNG-PIB in Osiny (Lublin voivodeship), where different crop production systems were compared. The aim of the research was to compare the yields of several cultivars of spring wheat grown in organic and integrated system and to identify the causes of diversification of the yield in both systems. The scope of the research included: grain yield and characteristics of its structure, analysis of weeds and evaluation of leaves and root infestation of spring wheat by fungal pathogens. In organic system, on average for three years for the four varieties, 34% less grain yield was obtained than in integrated system, the difference in the years ranged from 33-36%. The difference for cultivars ranged from 32% (Tybalt and Vinjett) to 38% (Parabola). Smaller grain yield in the organic system was due to lower number of ears (about 16%) and decreased the 1000 grains weight. Among nine compared varieties of spring wheat cultivated in ecological system higher level of yielding distinguished varieties: Tybalt, Zura, Zadra and Vinjett, while the smaller: Bryza, Nawra and Parabola. Undersown clover with grasses effectively limited the weed infestation of spring wheat as dry weight of weeds in dough stage was on average only 36 g/m2. The infestation of spring wheat by diseases in organic system was small because of good crop rotation which limited the development of root pathogens. Moreover the high temperatures and low rainfall in June and July were not conducive to the development of diseases of leaves. Greater susceptibility to pathogens of both groups characterized Parabola variety, while a smaller - Tybalt.
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