Measurement of dehydrogenase activity and traditional method of microorganisms count estimation as indicators of microorganisms activity in compost from municipal sewage sludge
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(4):22-26
The study presents a measurement method of dehydrogenase activity in composts. The results of measurements were later compared with the data obtained from assays of the total numbers of microorganisms (mesophyllic and thermophilic bacteria, moulds and yeasts) using the method of flood culture. The authors examined the correlation between the two methods employed to assess the activity and the physiological status of compost settling microorganisms. The performed statistical analysis failed to show any correlations between the total number of microorganisms determined by the traditional and plate methods and the measurement of dehydrogenase activity. The determination of the total number of microorganisms does not provide a full answer to the question of the physiological status of microorganisms carrying out the composting process.
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