The infection of winter wheat by Gaeumanomyces graminis against a background of other pathogens according to the cropping system
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(4):65-70
In the years 2001-2003 take-all disease incidence was compared in winter wheat cultivated in organic, integrated, conventional systems and monoculture. The study was conducted as a field trial located at Osiny Experimental Station. The morphological assessment of disease incidence was done in autumn and in spring of each season. The mycological analysis of roots with necrosis was also performed. The numbers of plants with necrosis on the roots caused by G. graminis were highest in monoculture. Pathogen Cephalosporium gramineum also often occurred in monoculture. Weak infection of winter wheat roots by Gaumannomyces graminis in organic production system was result of two years grasses cropping before winter wheat cropping. Some grass species are hosts to antagonistic Phialophora spp. that continue to suppress G. graminis when cereal cropping is resumed.
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