Comparison of ammonia emission from composted swine farmyard manure and composted sewage sludge
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(1):58-64
During the last years the composting has become the most popular technology of valorization both municipal waste and organic fertilizers, especially the manure. The paper presents the results of research carried out in the frame of 2 research projects concerning ammonia emission from composting manure as well as sewage sludge composting in the composition with materials of high organic carbon content such as straw, saw-dust or leaves. It has been stated that valorization process of organic waste and manure in relation with their composting may be a source of ammonia emission. However it has been proved that the course of ammonia emission from composting manure and sewage sludge is diametrical different. Ammonia emission from manure is the most intense while first few tens hours after first aeration, whereby disappears during next few days. Meanwhile during sewage sludge composting with admixture of straw and saw-dust the ammonia emission does not appear until the material temperature reaches at least the level of 50-70 °C. In the subsequent stage a significant increase of ammonia nitrogen content occurs as well as very strong and rapid growth of ammonia emission. This emission is present for the major part of thermophilic phase, which diametrically differs its course in comparison with dynamic of NH3 emission from composting manure.
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