Comparison of energy consumption of rye growing in conventional and ecological farms
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(4):71-73
The present paper includes a comparison of energy consumption of rye growing in conventional and ecological farms. The amounts and structure of the material and energy outlays were determined in the form of tractors, machines, means of transport, spare parts, fuel, materials and human labour. Also, the share of the energy accumulated in agricultural operations and the size of the energy efficiency index were determined. In the ecological farm, higher outlays of accumulated energy were borne included in aggregates, fuel and human labour. In the conventional farm, higher outlays of accumulated energy were borne included in the materials used for the production, i.e. seeds, fertilizers and plant pesticides. As a result, the total material and energy outlays were higher by 64,8% in the conventional farm, while the energy accumulated in the same operations was by ca. 27,5% lower, as compared with the ecological farm.
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