Comparison of the competitiveness of modern and old winter wheat varieties i relation to weeds
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):60-67
The aim of the research was to compare the competitive ability against weeds of some modern and old winter wheat varieties. The study was conducted in 2004-2007 at the Experimental Station of Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institute in Osiny (Lublin province) on the experimental fields used in ecological way since 1994. In the study 6 modern winter wheat varieties: Sukces, Zyta, Roma, Kobra, Mewa, Korweta and 4 old varieties: Kujawianka Więcławicka, Wysokolitewka Sztywnosioma, Ostka Kazimierska, spelt var. Schwabenkorn were tested. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of weed infestation, biometric measures of wheat plants and canopy architecture study were done. 77 evaluation of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) was carried out in the canopy of different winter wheat varieties The grain yields of winter wheat varieties were assessed. The biggest competitive ability regarding the weeds characterized the modern varieties: Sukces, Zyta, Mewa, and old varieties: spelt (var. Schwabenkorn) and Ostka Kazimierska. In spite of more favourable parameters of growth and development of old varieties proving their competitiveness due to weeds, low yielding potential of these varieties limits their using in practice.
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