Comparison of efficiency of preparations against Varroa destructor in 2007-2009 in organic apiary
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(4):94-98
In the last three years, to destroy mite Varroa destructor we stated high efficiency against Varroa of Oxalic acid and different substances (organic acids and essential oils) which could be used in organic apiary. Using Oxalic acid and Formic acid is possible in period when there is no brood in colonies, what is possible mainly in October and November. Using acids this time causes that to the moment of using them, in colonies intensive development of mites starts, so substances against Varroa ought to be used after the latest honey harvest (the end of July and August - Api Life Var) and later Oxalic and Formic acid. Positive results of high efficiency of substances against Varroa allow to elaborate model to execute destroying mite in organic apiaries. It is important that there is not to be residues of substances against mite in honey. It is needed to use every year various anti Varroa substances.
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