Comparison of macroelement contents in the winter wheat grain from organic and conventional farms
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):204-208
Comparison of macroelement contents in the winter wheat grain from 50 organic and 50 conventional farms showed small differences of P, K, Ca and Mg accumulation and larger in case of Na. Macroelement contents lowered as follows: P > K> Mg > Ca > Na. Their contents ranged within limits: 2.80-4.46g P, 2.87-4.02 g K, 0.33-0.56 g Ca, 0.60-0.93 g Mg and 17.7-183.3 mg Na/kg, and 3.39-4.10 g P, 2.89-4.35 g K, 0.35-0.60 g Ca, 0.65-0.87 g Mg and 19.7-160.5 mg Na/kg d.m. in organic and conventional farms, respectively. Mean macroelement contents in winter wheat grain from both types of farms from individual communes of Małopolska Province were slightly diversed and were similar to those stated under other conditions. Small differences of P and K contents provide about little effect of mineral! fertilizer on their level in grain. Tesis about better quality of wheat grain from organic farms in comparison to conventional ones was not confirmed.
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