Comparison of microelement contents in the winter wheat grain from organic and conventional farms
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(4):100-103
Estimation of microelement contents in the winter wheat grain from neighbouring 50 organic and 50 conventional farms proved relatively small differentiation of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu accumulation in grain from both farming systems. Microelement contents diminished as follows: Fe > Zn > Mn > Cu. Their contents were comprised in ranges: 32.90-66.50 mg Fe, 25.03-48.10 mg Mn, 21.68-37.75 mg Zn and 2.42-5.40 mg Cu ź kg-1, as well as 38.05-94.50 mg Fe, 22.45-44.53 mg Mn, 32.28-57.00 mg Zn and 2.64-5.01 mg Cuźkg-1 d.m. in organic and conventional farms, respectively. Mean of all microelement contents were slightly higher in the wheat grain from conventional farms. Microelement contents in grain form both groups of farms did not prove the essential dependences with their content in soil as well as with soil properties. The small differentiation of microelement contents in winter grain did not allow unambiguously to point out the better quality of wheat grain obtained in one of estimated farming systems.
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