A comparison of the polyphenol and vitamin C content in jams of several varieties of black currants Ribes Nigrum L. from the organic and conventional cultivation
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):123-129
As a response to growing use of chemicals in conventional agriculture and to the increase of consumer consciousness that organic food has a beneficial impact on health, this kind of food have became popular in recent years. Recently, there has been devoted a lot of attention to bioactive constituents, like plant antioxidants, which are very important to prevent many diseases caused by free radicals. Black currant fruits contain a lot of these compounds, mostly vitamin C, anthocyanins and flavonols. It is supposed that organic farming is able to increase nutritional value and antioxidant composition of agricultural products, therefore it was supposed that organic Black Currant could have higher level of this components. However there is a lack of data on the content of antioxidants in the black currant preserves in respect to the cultivation method of fruits. The work presents the results of content of polyphenols and vitamin C content in non pasteurized and pasteurized jams of fruits of three black currant cultivars: Ojebyn, Titania and Ben Lomond from organic and conventional cultivation. Obtained results showed significantly higher level of phenolic acids, flavonols and vitamin C in organic jams of black currant fruits in comparison to conventional. The content of anthocyanins in the pasteurized preserves was also higher when they were made from organic fruits, whereas the situation in non pasteurized preserves was inverse.
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