The aim of executed experiments was an evaluation of the healthiness of two cultivars of spring barley, cultivated in conventional and intermediate period in ecological system (conversion). The field experiments were realized in 2007-2008 at the Field Experimental Station in Winna Góra IOR - PIB. The estimation of healthiness showed the stem root rot, common root rot and eyespot. The symptoms of powdery mildew, net blotch and rhynchosporiosis were observed. The fusarium head blight and rhynchosporiosis was obseryed on ears. Statistical analysis of infestation of stem and leaves didn't show significant differences between estimated systems. It was concluded the higher infestation of barley ears by agents of Fusarium head blight and rhynchosporiosis in the first year of research. Due to strong correlation between infestation and atmospheric conditions, the research will be continued.
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