The surface area of inclosure facilities as well as the technical fittings of agrotourist farms in Siedlce region
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(1):120-125
The aim of the paper was to provide material resources that agrotourist farms in Siedlce region are supplied with and to rank them in terms of the county, with use of synthetic measures of comparison. The scope of research included 87 agrotourist farms operating in the years 2006 and 2007, in six of the following counties: Sokolow, Siedlce, Węgrów, Łosice, Garwolin and Mińsk. The local farm owners completed a survey form with 18 questions related to farm inclosure facilities and farm equipment. The obtained data is enclosed in three research units created from 14 diagnostic variables, stimulants in character. Then the taxonomic synthetic measures were calculated, and on this basis, counties rankings in particular units and spheres were created. In the majority of charts illustrating the level of affluence of material resources existing in the form of the size of inclosure facilities and available technical resources, agrotourist farms operating in the counties of Węgrów, Siedlce and Łosice are at the top of ranking. However, farms in the county Garwolin and Mińsk are the least equipped in this respect.
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