In the presented study, Deschampsia caespitosa was shown to have allelopathic properties, which can affect the species that co-create of the phytocenosis. In the course of experiments the occurrence of allelopathic compounds was determined in soil samples from phytocenoses differing with respect to proportions of Deschampsia caespitosa as well as utilisation intensity. They were tested against a standard (acceptor - ground cucumber). Additionally, the total content of one group of allelopathic compounds (phenolic compounds) in the substrate was determined. Soils of phytocenoses with Deschampsia caespitosa exhibited contents of allelopathic compounds which quantities depended on the proportion of this species in the sward as well as the method and intensity of meadow and pasture utilisation. Higher amounts of allelopathic compounds were determined in soils collected from pastures with higher proportions of D.c. in the community. Despite small quantities of phenols in the soil, a positive correlation was found between the share of D.c. and phenol compounds in soil.
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