Problems of agricultural social insurance fund in recourse and prevention activities
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(2):82-84
To sum it all up, one can say that agricultural production machinery and equipment offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers will always cause some accident threats, as it is impossible to predict all operation dangers at the stage of design and construction. It is also impossible to predict how users will "behave", when operating even simplest tools for purposes other than intended, and the human factor is quite significant when it comes to accidents. It is necessary to undertake steps to tighten cooperation of relevant institutions, institutes, universities, manufacturers and vendors, to promote more widespread exchange of information, observations and transfer of new knowledge amongst farms, by organising training combined with machinery shows. This is likely to effectively reduce the risk of accidents, including ones with participation of machinery, thus reducing any problems with recourse and preventive activities.
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Opracowanie KRUS pt. "Wypadki przy pracy i choroby zawodowe rolników oraz działania prewencyjne KRUS w 2006 roku".
Dyrektywa maszynowa 98/37/EC.
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