Problems of the plum and cherry plants protection in ecological orchard
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(4):73-75
In the fifth and sixth year of carrying out the research in ecological orchard the serious damages of the plum and cherry fruits by pests were observed. From it's the most intensive were the symptoms of cherry fruit fly (Rhagoletis cerasi) on the cherry fruits. In 2010, at the 'Summit' cherry, it was reported three times more fruits with worm of cherry fruit fly (63,2%) than in 2009 (20,7%). At the plum, in the previous year from the study, it was reported from few to dozen percent of damaged fruits by plum moth (Laspeyresia funebrana). Application of the bacterial stain Spintor 240 SC at the plum cultivar 'President' had lowered the percent of the damaged fruits by few times. The very dangerous pests, reducing yields of plum trees were plum sawfly (Hoplocampa minuta & Hoplocampa flava). In 2010. at very unfavorable weather conditions during the blooming time, these pests damaged 36,4% fruit sets on 'President' cv. trees and such as 54,7% at the 'Elena' cv. trees.
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